2 min readAug 5, 2019


In 2010–2011, there was a phenomenal rock and roll tour known as The Big 4SLAYER, (yes, I put them first, linked them, and in caps on purpose because they kick the most ass. Sorry.), Metallica, Anthrax and Megadeth all went on the road together. It was a heavy metal heyday to say the least.

People went nuts. With a little luck, it will happen again at least a few times before SLAYER wraps up its touring career, which they are about to do.


Comes Martin Scorsese, now with a new film called The Irishman. It’s the equivalent of the big 4 but + 1. I haven’t seen it yet, but the trailer reminds me of kick-assedness of that tour, actually. Scorsese, DeNiro, Keitel, Pacino and Pesci. (Has anyone else wondered what happened to the great Joe Pesci, btw?).

What a cast. There are conversations being had about the veracity of the script and storyline, de-ageing techniques, but whatever. I don’t care about that stuff, really. Just seeing these guys on screen together is enough for me.

Scorcese won my heart with Goodfellas (DeNiro’s line “never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut” became a mantra — the not ratting on friends part has been easy, but the mouth shut part not so much. I tend to pop off. What can I do. I’m a work in progress) but then he really, seriously stole my heart with his epic, love-letter work about the late George Harrison, which is an absolute must-see.

DeNiro. What’s to say. You can’t hate him despite his ugly rhetoric of late toward the President of the United States. It’s his right, OK. Whatever. I think it degrades him somewhat, but again, it’s his right, and he’s still a fucking God.

Keitel — it’s been a while. Can’t wait to see him back on-screen. Absolultely can’t wait. “You know the difference between men and boys? Boys bet everything on everything! Boys think every hand is a royal flush! You play cards with a man, he knows his limits.”

Pacino. Best actor of our entire generation, yeah? A working actor who talks no shit, does his job and goes home like most of us? Doesn’t get involved in the riff-raff of Hollywood or politics? That’s my guy, right there. Say hellooo to my little frien’…

And, as previously mentioned, Mr. Pesci. The great, great, Mr. Pesci. Back in action, motherfuckers. Definitely not funny like a clown, btw.

I can’t wait to see this film. It will be one for the ages.





Veteran media / comms advisor & political strategist, producer, non-profit management pro, writer for a variety of publications. Beach dweller. Handful.

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