My youngest daughter, Emma, is pissed at me to this day about this.
She’s now an adult about to be a freshman at Virginia Tech, but a long time ago I told her a tall tale. I told her I was born on the Moon.
It wasnt all that far off — I was actually born whilst the men were walking on the moon — but it was far enough off for her to go to pre-school and get laughed at for repeating the story. And then get mad at me. Fair enough.
By the way, I was at the beach in the middle of the night tonight. The Moon was full. It was as if a gigantic light was on.
Now, 50 years later, having mothballed NASA, we are taking another look at the moon. Entrepreneurs are trying desperately to forge paths of their own to the moon and beyond, and God bless them for it, but it is really up to us to do it right and do it together. Space X is unlikely to work. NASA works. It’s proven.
So this is a bit of an open letter to President Trump, whom I like and generally support. Let’s re-invest in NASA. There is much work to be done, and let’s not leave it to half-hands like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. These guys are dumb and dangerous, in my opinion. On this 50th anniversary of perhaps mankind’s greatest achievement, make an announcement. Let’s go back to the moon. Let’s go to Mars. Let’s own what we own.