3 min readAug 1, 2019


Imagine, for a moment, being accused of the least violent crime you can think of. Lying to congress comes to my mind on this front (by the way — they lie to us, why not lie to them?! Not saying he did, but I sure would).

Imagine, having already offered in earnest to turn yourself in for this weak-ass alleged offense, scores of armed federal agents with amphibious units in tow coming after you in a pre-dawn, full jack boot-Elian raid with CNN just ‘randomly’ happening to be there to catch it live on international television, as your family and neighbors look on in horror.

Imagine being mentioned 23 times in a congressional hearing last week alone, not to mention others, being borderline slandered by a Special (ed) Prosecutor in the process, and being unable to say a word in your own defense, on social media or otherwise by court order.

Imagine being parodied before millions on the increasingly distasteful Saturday Night Live by Steve Martin. I’m not even going to link to it, it’s so gross.

Imagine losing your business/livelihood. All of it. At once.

Imagine having to give up your home.

Imagine walking through an airport or a grocery store and being screamed at. All the time.

Imagine needing to hire professional, armed security when you make public appearances.

Imagine racking up millions — millions — in legal bills as a result of silly allegations by government thugs, with no idea how you will possibly pay them.

This all is the new normal today for my friend and colleague Roger J. Stone, Jr. Who did nothing wrong.

Now, Roger of course has a reputation. Dirty-trickster, Trump puppeteer, whatever. Make of that shit what you will. I don’t make much of it because I know and work with the man. But love him or hate him, anyone — anyone — who cares about civil liberties should really be paying attention here. Because Roger has been entirely stripped of his by the deep state. It’s not just a judge at work here. This is Orwellian-level weirdness.

Democrat pollster Mark Penn wrote this week:

Perhaps the most unfounded of all of these (note: Mueller findings) is the prosecution of Roger Stone. Finding nothing in his personal or business life to hold over his head, Weissmann (note: Prosecutor) combed through his congressional testimony to allege he was hiding his communications with Jerome Corsi. Even if true, it was of no significance to the investigation — Corsi has been widely banned from the internet for being something of a kook.

Jerome Corsi is indeed something of a kook, and Roger made a mistake linking up with him. There are reasons why he did, which I won’t get into here, but it’s clear he should have been more careful in choosing associates. Whatever. It shouldn’t have cost him his civil liberties and I damn well hope it doesn’t cost him his freedom.

But there are those hell bent on ensuring it does, basically to justify their own bullshit and failures in the Russia collusion thing. This cannot stand. This cannot be real, but it is. Sadly.

So please pay attention. Speak out. And donate to the Roger Stone Legal Defense Fund if you are able here.





Veteran media / comms advisor & political strategist, producer, non-profit management pro, writer for a variety of publications. Beach dweller. Handful.

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