I don’t like writing about my day-to-day business. But sometimes things just get so stupid, I feel like I have no choice.
I had a text exchange earlier today about my dear friend and sometime associate Roger Stone with a sympathetic member of the mainstream media, whose identity will obviously be protected here, that went a little something like this:
Me: “Hey, give Roger a call. They’re really being horrible to him and I think a check in from you would make him feel good.”
They: “What should I say? Mind you the feds are reading this and will be listening to the call.”
Me: “There could be something there, story-wise or not. And yeah we are all well aware of the feds. Hi, dickheads!”
They: “Hi dickheads, I’m gonna get you.”
This is how we talk to each other nowadays. It’s funny on the surface, but after a minute or two, it isn’t. It’s horrific, actually.
I was working with Roger in the summer of 2016 in support of then-candidate Donald Trump. My job was to sideline Bill Clinton, and I did a pretty damn good job, if I do say so my own self. (Did you get your RAPE shirt? Do you remember that they had to take him off the trail? You are welcome).
One morning about mid-August, I woke up, made a cup of coffee, and opened my laptop to absolute chaos. Turned out I had been hacked. My phone was suddenly disabled. It was like a virus had spread through all of my electronic devices and it crippled me business-wise for a few weeks.
I knew then just as I know now. It was not Russians. It was the DNC.
Let’s rewind for a minute. In the unlikely event you are unfamiliar with Roger J. Stone, Jr., take a moment to learn your political history. And pay careful attention to the jack-booted-thuggish-pre-dawn-raid-orchestrated-by-the-police-state-against-a-perfectly-peaceful-citizen-even-though-he-had-offered-publicly-to-turn-himself-in-at-any-time-and-was-simply-accused-of-lying-to-congress-not-mass-murder.
Now, Roger J. Stone, Jr is by no account an angel. Not even a normal person, frankly. He is an old-school, Roy Cohn trained brazen, wild-eyed, unpredictable, crazy person who, for decades, has delivered again and again for friends, clients, and ultimately the country for his entire adult life. Roger Stone is America. I watched a series last week on Netflix about the American circus and was struck by the early genius of people like P.T. Barnum, James Bailey, and the five Ringling brothers. Roger is to American politics what these guys were to the circus. Purely American. Purely awesome. Take-no-shit, no-holds-barred.
People like Roger are the people we want — the people we need — in our world. Now more than ever. The fearless ones who inspire others to be fearless. The ones who raise the middle finger in the most ‘inappropriate’ moments. I want my kids to be like Roger Stone, not like namby-pamby pussy asses who seem to currently have a (brief) upper hand. That shit won’t last. Real lasts.
Getting back to Roger’s case: now the prosecutors are trying to jail him, as they succeeded to do with Paul Manafort (an actual criminal in my opinion, btw) for simply trying to defend himself. This is strange to me because not a day goes by when someone doesn’t remark or text to me about how quiet Roger Stone has been. Well yeah, I say, he’s got the entire federal government up his ass and he doesn’t want to offend the court. He’s governing himself with respect to the guidelines handed down from the bench. The prosecutors, per usual, are just stirring up shit.
Why? Because their Russian collusion narrative FAILED. Their efforts to unseat the duly elected President of the United States FAILED. They won with Manafort, which was like feeding candy to a baby. But the Roger Stones of the world, just doing their jobs? Not gonna fly. No matter hard they try. Don’t think that rhyme was inadvertent, BTW.
They can raid us, they can demonize us, they can hack us, they can trip all over their dicks trying to prove the unprovable. But at the end of the day, it is just that. Unprovable.
Unless you have actually done something wrong, my friends, never fear the government. Take a cue from Roger. Make shirts. Make hats. Fight. DO NOT LET THE THUGS WIN. And if you ultimately go down as an innocent person, go down angry. For truth prevails in the end.
Click here to contribute to the Roger Stone legal defense fund.